When To Call In A Structural Engineer For Your Pool Project

If you plan to engineer your own pool design, then you may be able to avoid the need for a structural engineer. However, if you choose to do so, it is wise to consult with one first to make sure you are following sound engineering guidelines. A structural engineer will be able to look at your proposed design and tell you if it has been built to code or if it can stand up to normal forces.

So, when do you need a structural engineer?

1. If You Notice Cracks Or Unusual Warping In Your Pool Deck

If you notice your vinyl pool deck is cracking at certain points or warping, it is likely due to uneven expansion and contraction from temperature changes, especially from extreme heat or cold. This kind of expansion and contraction can also be caused by a cracked sealant on the pool deck, which is commonly caused by improper installation. If your vinyl pool deck is warping, it is best to have it repaired immediately to prevent water from seeping into the cracks.

If you have a concern that your existing pool or deck may be unsafe, structural engineers can provide an independent evaluation to determine if the foundation is sound and the structure can support the added weight of the new pool or deck. In addition, structural engineers can help design a new pool or deck that will meet the structural requirements of your property, such as the size and shape of the area you have available.

2. If You Notice Cracking In The Walls Of Your Pool

If you notice cracking in the walls of your pool, it’s best to call a professional immediately. It’s essential to have a professional inspection done so that you know the cause of the cracking and whether or not there is any permanent damage. If the crack is only due to normal expansion and contraction, this is not a problem. However, if the crack is due to something structural, such as the pool settling, it could lead to structural damage.

You need a professional engineer to inspect your home or property if you plan to make any significant renovations or additions. For example, if you plan to build an addition onto your existing home, you will need a structural engineer to make sure the new addition will not negatively impact the stability of your home or the level of the ground.

3. If You Notice Unexpected Drains Or Misconfigured Plumbing

The first thing you want to do is contact a professional plumber to inspect the problem. Just because you can see the pipes and know where they are, that doesn’t mean you can see or understand everything they’re connected to. The drain system is full of hidden traps and connections that you cannot see from the surface, so if you don’t have a plumber on speed dial, who knows what you could be missing? One thing that is easier to see is where the water is coming from. If you notice water coming up from under the sink or floor or down the drain, it could be caused by a clog or a crack somewhere in the drain line. There could also be a crack in the pipe itself that is allowing water to get into your home.

What if your pool is built on a concrete slab? Your structural engineer will be able to evaluate whether the existing slab can safely support the additional weight of a pool and any future improvements you want to make to your home. They’ll take into consideration things like the slab’s age, the type of materials it’s made from, and the existing settlement. If the slab is unsafe, they’ll suggest ways to strengthen it.

4. If You Notice Damage To The Pool’s Structural Elements

If you notice damage to the pool’s structural elements such as the coping, pool deck, walls, or the pool filtration system, it’s best to contact a professional pool repair company to inspect and assess the damage. Some pools may have structural damage that’s not very apparent, so it’s important to have an expert look at the situation.

If you have questions about your pool’s stability, such as whether the excavation dug around it is of an appropriate depth, whether the walls are properly reinforced, or if the coping is properly sloped, call a structural engineer. They’ll be able to offer further insight into your pool’s structural soundness. A good structural engineer will also help you develop a design that addresses your pool’s structural issues and helps it to last for years to come.

5. If You Notice Structural Damage To The Pool’s Deck

If you notice that the pool deck is damaged or cracked, it’s important to call a professional immediately. Pools are built to have a specific amount of structural integrity, and when the deck is not constructed properly, it can weaken the deck and lead to other problems, such as the pool leaking.

If you are planning to build a pool in your home, it is important to call a structural engineer to get an expert opinion on your project. A professional engineer will evaluate the structural soundness of your proposed pool design and determine whether it will adequately support the weight of the building and the pool. They’ll also look at the surrounding property to make sure there isn’t another structure or underground utility line that could impact the design or your ability to safely build your dream pool.

6. If You Notice Any Sudden Changes To The Pool’s Water Level

If you notice that the pool water level is lower than it was when you first opened it up, then you may have a broken or cracked drain pipe. However, an equally possible reason is that your pool has been refilled with water and the level has gone down. If you are unsure of what is causing the change in the water level, then it is best to contact a professional service like orange county pool builder.

One of the most common reasons that people get in contact with us regarding their pools is when they have cracks developing in their pool deck. It’s important to call a structural engineer when you notice these cracks to make sure there is no structural damage. A small crack can be fixed without the help of a professional engineer, but if the crack becomes larger, it could affect the structural integrity of the entire pool.


If your contractor says that your existing pool is fine and does not need any repairs, it is best to call a professional to inspect the pool on your own. A structural engineer will look at your pool and foundation to see if there are any problems that could happen. The engineer will inspect the size of your pool, the type of material it is made of, and any other unique details. They will take photos and make a report, and if they determine that your pool is unsafe, they will provide you with an estimate of the cost of repairs.

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